Ron Clark, the visionary co-founder of The Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia, knew exactly what he wanted for the centerpiece of the school's new Educator Training Facility: a life-size dragon skeleton. Never one to be easily dissuaded from making big dreams come true, he called on Chisel 3D to help.
As with any project of this magnitude, there were many players involved, including architects, the general contractor, subcontractors and, of course, the customer. The Chisel 3D team collaborated with all of them to design a custom sculpture that met the project's multiple criteria for space planning, structural integrity and visual impact. We built an armature, assembled the skeleton bone by bone, sculpted a ferocious skull based purely on imagination and gave the entire piece a magical metallic finish. Our installation was timed and orchestrated to complement the rest of the construction and finishing touches in the space and was complete well ahead of the facility's soft opening and grand opening.
The immense dragon skeleton wasn't the only piece Chisel 3D created for The Ron Clark Academy. We also custom fabricated a fantastic library entrance carved out of giant books and finished with a round hobbit door, and we sculpted a dragon's-teeth archway into the school gymnasium. We want to go to that school!